Nasty Nancy Getting Savagely Called “Sad Old Drunk” at Speaking Event Will Never Not Be Hilarious Watch Below!👇 Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s Monday evening speaking event with Paul Krugman, an economist, at the City University of New York’s Graduate Center was interrupted by a few hilarious hecklers who ripped into her as being both a “war criminal” and a “sad old drunk” when they interrupted the event. Those hecklers interrupted the event four times, berating Pelosi mainly for foreign policy missteps and her alleged corruption, along with her supposed drinking habit. One heckler, for example, screamed that Pelosi belongs in the depths of hell for her involvement in the Iraq war, saying, “You know Pelosi, that’s a very good place for you in the depths of hell. For some reason, you have a very bad obsession of getting us into war. Hey, why is it that you did not admit that there were no WMDs in Iraq?”Continuing, that same heckler yelled, “You lied us into a war in Iraq. You got us to invade Afghanistan. Now over 90 percent of those people are impoverished and are dying. Why don’t you tell the truth about Nordstream? Why did we destroy Nordstream? You’re leaving millions of Germans without energy.


Nasty Nancy Getting Savagely Called “Sad Old Drunk” at Speaking Event Will Never Not Be Hilarious Watch Below!👇

Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s Monday evening speaking event with Paul Krugman, an economist, at the City University of New York’s Graduate Center was interrupted by a few hilarious hecklers who ripped into her as being both a “war criminal” and a “sad old drunk” when they interrupted the event.

Those hecklers interrupted the event four times, berating Pelosi mainly for foreign policy missteps and her alleged corruption, along with her supposed drinking habit.

One heckler, for example, screamed that Pelosi belongs in the depths of hell for her involvement in the Iraq war, saying, “You know Pelosi, that’s a very good place for you in the depths of hell. For some

reason, you have a very bad obsession of getting us into war. Hey, why is it that you did not admit that there were no WMDs in Iraq?”Continuing, that same heckler yelled, “You lied us into a war in Iraq. You got us to invade Afghanistan. Now over 90 percent of those people are impoverished and are dying. Why don’t you tell the truth about Nordstream? Why did we destroy Nordstream? You’re leaving millions of Germans without energy.

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