funny story for you:


Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a forgetful farmer named Bob. Bob was known far and wide for his terrible memory. He would often forget where he left his tools, what he had for breakfast, and sometimes even his own name.

One sunny morning, Bob's friend, Tom, came to visit him. As soon as Tom arrived, he noticed Bob pacing around his barn, looking bewildered.

Tom asked, "Bob, what's the matter now?"

Bob replied, "I can't remember where I left my pitchfork! I had it in my hands just a few minutes ago, and now it's gone."

Tom decided to help. He said, "Let's retrace your steps. Where were you when you last had the pitchfork?"

Bob scratched his head and thought for a moment. "I remember using it to scratch my back while I was feeding the chickens near the coop."

Tom asked, "And what did you do after that?"

Bob replied, "I think I used it to prop open the chicken coop door."

They both headed to the chicken coop, and there it was, the pitchfork, stuck through the door's handle.

Tom laughed and said, "Bob, you must be the only person in the world who forgets where they left a pitchfork when it's right in front of them!"

Bob chuckled and said, "Well, at least I didn't forget where I put the chickens!"

They both had a good laugh, and Bob's forgetfulness became a source of amusement for the whole town. To this day, people in the town still talk about the time Bob "lost" his pitchfork.

Remember, the best humor often comes from the simple and relatable moments in life.

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